Magazine & Snack Program (MSP)

Did you know that every fall, Girl Scouts offers the opportunity to purchase magazine subscriptions and a variety of snacks? The Magazine & Snack Program (MSP) provides an important ingredient for leadership by helping girls develop five skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics. Through The Girl Scout Product Programs, girls become leaders in their daily lives and prepare for bright futures in entrepreneurship!
MSP also gives girls and troops the opportunity to sell delicious snacks and magazines to earn quick and easy start-up money for their troop before the cookie season in the winter.
The Magazine & Snack Program runs from August through November each year. To participate, the Troop needs a registered, background checked adult to sign up for the Product Sales Manager - MSP role. Contact Customer Care if you have questions.
Click here for Troop Manager and Girl Scout access to the M2 website.
The Magazine & Snack Program gives Girl Scouts the opportunity to raise proceeds that help fund their troop's next big adventure!
Help your Girl Scout make the most of this opportunity with comprehensive tips, plus explore this year's product and rewards!
VIEW NOW!After completing these first steps to getting started with the program, here's what you'll need to do next:
The GSNEO Magazine & Snack Program gives troops the opportunity to offer candy, nuts, and magazines to raise proceeds that help fund their next adventure. Girls also learn important life skills like goal setting and money management, and they can earn fun rewards too! Girls can sell in person to their friends or family or digitally through the M2 secure online system for the program.
Help them launch their first business smoothly with this guide to caregiver meetings, order taking, and finances.
VIEW NOW!Program materials will begin shipping the week of August 5 to those who have completed and processed forms on file with GSNEO.
Once you've completed this first step, here's what you'll need to do next:
Did your troop complete Spring Renewal for this Girl Scout membership year? If so, did you know that you can earn an extra bonus at cookie time? That's right! Troops can earn an additional three (3) cents per box of cookies sold in the 2025 Cookie Program by meeting the following requirements: