Individually Registered Members

This type of membership is known as an Individually Registered Member (IRM). Individually registered members are also known as Juliettes, named after our founder, Juliette Gordon Low.
Girl Scout Juliettes can choose to be a part of the Girl Scout experience but may be waiting for a troop to get started in their area, may have participated in a troop that no longer meets, or just prefers the Girl Scout experience on an individual basis. They can get started right away by earning badges independently or attending events to meet other Girl Scouts in their area.
Juliettes have access to a robust offering of Girl Scout experiences and can take the lead to pursue activities that match their individual interests and schedule. As a Juliette, girls work on Girl Scout programs with a parent or other adult mentor. Each girl decides what activities to participate in and which awards she wants to earn.
Girl Scout Juliettes is a girl-led, family driven Girl Scout experience. As a caregiver of a Juliette, you and your Girl Scout will be partners, shaping and sharing in the fun of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
Have additional questions? Contact our Customer Care team at 800-852-4474, customercare@gsneo.org, or use our Live Chat feature during business hours.
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Creating your own path, discovering your strengths, exploring new possibilities. It’s all waiting for you.