Codes are awarded to girl and adult members based on participation in Council Product Sales Programs and Scoutship.
- Pathway Passes may be used on any girl program listed in Events on the website that accepts discounts.
- Council Shop discounts may be used to purchase essential uniform pieces either online or in person at the Council Shop. Essential uniform pieces are listed in the award notification.
- Summer Resident Camp discount may only be used toward the program fee that is greater than $100 for one (1) summer program and one (1) girl for which it was awarded.
FA - Scoutship Award Pathway Pass
CP - Cookie Program Pathway Pass
MSP - Magazine & Snack Program Pathway Pass
SG - Scoutship Award for Girls in the Council Shop
SP - Scoutship Summer Resident Camp discount percentage
Pathway Passes are not eligible for use for troop camping or equipment rental.