Pictured above are members of GSNEO’s Juliette Gordon Low Society with National Founding Chair, Dianne Belk, and her husband, Lawrence Calder (May 2023).
In March 1912, Juliette Gordon Low gathered a few girls to begin Girl Scouts. Juliette's outstanding leadership was matched by her stewardship when she converted the carriage house of her home into the first Girl Scout national headquarters, and she gifted the property to Girl Scouts in her will.
Juliette's bequest was the beginning of planned giving to Girl Scouts. In her memory, the Juliette Gordon Low Society was established to thank and honor friends of Girl Scouting who have chosen to make Girl Scouts of North East Ohio part of their legacies and a beneficiary of their estate plans. With their foresight and planning, these donors are crucial to ensuring that our council will be able to provide future generations of Girl Scouts with opportunities to reach their fullest potential.
We are honored to be included in the estate plans of the following Juliette Gordon Low Society members:
A legacy gift from these Juliette Gordon Low Society members is a lasting tribute to their belief and love of Girl Scouts:
* deceased
>>Juliette Gordon Low Society Giving Form
>>Juliette Gordon Low Society Brochure
Learn more at GSUSA: https://legacy.girlscouts.org/
In partnership with Girl Scouts, FreeWill is offering this complimentary tool to create a will or trust for free online. Get started today!
Want to know more about joining the Juliette Gordon Low Society?
Contact Julie Weagraff, CFRE, Chief Development Officer, at 330-983-0399 or by email at jweagraff@gsneo.org.