Check-in will be held from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM at the Southeast Main Entrance. New for 2025 -- you asked and we heard you! We'll be offering a staggered check-in in half hour increments. Please review your confirmation for the time you selected and prepare to check-in at that time. Park near this entrance by light poles #52 and #53. Enter through the Southeast Main Entrance doors - DO NOT ENTER through Dick's Sporting Goods or any other mall entrances. You will be re-directed to enter the Southeast Main Entrance doors.
There will be several check-in lanes with easy to find signage to help you check-in quickly and easily. Lanes will begin near the entrance doors, and will wind around the hallway to the check-in point.
Be sure all group participants have their individual QR code tickets available either printed or on their mobile devices. Individual QR codes can be found on the RECEIPT FOR REGISTRATION in the Ticketing section (click on 'download tickets to print' or 'display mobile tickets').
Groups that take advantage of Early Pick-Up will receive their EVENT WRISTBANDS when picking up t-shirts, etc. When you arrive, choose one of the GS PASS LANE to check-in. Have your wristbands ON and QR CODE ready to scan.
If you are not able to do early pick-up, choose one of the PICK UP WRISTBAND LANE(s). You will receive your wristbands and be directed to the GSNEO early pickup space located in the former Papyrus space, next door to Hooley House, in the North Main wing.