On My Own is information dedicated to you, for those fun activities that girls and troops can do at camp.
Girls can earn badges or patches for some activities. Check to see what activities have an application form to fill out for your badge or patch.
Are you interested in hiking? All year long, explore the backwoods of GSNEO camp properties and work towards earning the "Wanderer" Patch! The GSNEO Wanderer Patch Program was created to encourage progression using our trails, keeping our trails viable, and promote a healthy and active lifestyle for our Girl Scouts! Come get a day pass and wander with us!
For more information, download either Camp Timberlane or Ledgewood’s Wanderer Forms, located below:
>>Ledgewood Wanderer Form
>>Timberlane Wanderer Form
Note: We are currently working on establishing more trails at Camp Sugarbush. In the near future, we will be offering the Sugarbush Wanderer.
Taking a hike around camp is a great way to get your girls active at camp, explore the great outdoors, and perhaps work on some badgework. Below are some easy ways to spice up your hikes with girls and really get them involved in the experience.
**Always watch out for poison ivy at camp whenever you are hiking along the trails!
Themed Hikes
Color Hike: Bring with you a selection of crayons or paint chip samples. Have each girl select one or several (avoid greens and browns for more of a challenge!). For the duration of the hike, girls should be on the lookout for items that match the color(s) in their hand as closely as possible.
Scavenger Hunt Hike: Keep it as simple as playing an outdoor game of “I Spy”. Create your own list of things to find (four shades of green, something man-made, heart-shaped rock, etc.), or print off a scavenger hunt bingo (don’t forget pencils!) for girls to use on their hike.
ABC Hike: Pair up girls. Each team must look for items (or sounds!) that begin with each letter of the alphabet, starting with A. Each team is competing against each other to get as far through the alphabet as possible, so they don’t want to shout out what they find! You cannot move to the next letter until an object is found with the letter before it.
Macro Hike: Have an adult with a camera or smartphone walk ahead on the trail and take a macro (super close-up photo) of something along the trail: a mushroom, knot in a tree, crack in a rock, etc. The close-up should focus on part of the object rather than the whole thing (can’t make it too easy!). When the group arrives in the vicinity, give the girls a boundary (maybe 10-by-10 ft.), show them the picture, and then it’s a race to see who finds the object first! Could be played with teams of two for large groups.
Bugs Hike: How many different bugs can you find on your hike? Looking high and low (even under logs – just make sure to put the log back in its place), explore the nooks and crannies of the woods. Adults – even if this makes you squeamish, let the girls have fun exploring. It’s always amazing what they’ll unearth. And we promise most of the bugs at camp are harmless!
Sound Hike: Hear and identify all sounds heard along the way.
Homes Hike: Look for nature’s homes, like nests, holes, spider webs (but make sure not to disturb them!).
Shadow Walk: Walk only in the shadows. This may require some jumping!
Hiking Games/Activities
Fit on a Penny: Bring a penny for each girl. During the hike, find a spot to stop and give each girl a penny. Give them 5-10 minutes to find as many things as possible that will fit on the penny. Have each girl share what she finds.
Sketching or Drawing: Bring notebooks or paper and pencils/crayons. Have each girl find a comfortable spot along or just off the trail and draw what she sees – close up and scenery can be equally beautiful, so let each girl choose what she wants to draw!
Phenology: Phenology is the study of plant and animal cycles throughout the seasons. If you come to camp multiple times per year (although you can still do this just once!), find a special place at camp, and have each girl choose her own special spot within that space. This could be the base of a tree, next to a big rock, on a log, etc. Bring notebooks or paper and pencils/crayons. Have each girl spend several minutes observing and writing down (or draw if she would prefer!) what she sees/hears/smells/feels from the nature around her. If you come back multiple times per year, return to the same special place and do the observations again. Compare observations each time.
You could try fishing for Bluegill, Large Mouth Bass, or Catfish in any of the waters of our three camps. You will need to bring your own fishing supplies (fishing pole, hooks, bait, etc.). Please abide by the following rules and be cognizant of whether others are utilizing the lakes for boating activities while you are there.
Fishing Rules
Visit Brownie Land at Camp Ledgewood
What is Brownie Land? Brownie Land is where the Brownie Elves go to play in the woods of camp! This special spot is nestled in the pine trees near the entrance of camp. You can find Brownie Land by walking toward Cotter Cabin from the main camp and finding the path into the woods at the far end of the building. Alternately you can walk to the main gate and turn left to follow the fence until you arrive at the sign indicating you have arrived. Girls love to explore the branch huts and play with the many "creatures" that call Brownie Land home.
Visit Gnome Village at Camp Timberlane
Take your troop on a hike to visit Gnome Village where the gnomes and Oogly Moo, the Camp Timberlane spirit, live among the trees and on the forest floor! As you hike towards this charming destination, look up to the tree trunks where you might just find some tiny gnome friends pointing the way. Located on Woodhaven Trail, a stop to Gnome Village will thrill and delight. Don’t forget to bring your camera and perhaps a fairytale to share!
Do your girls enjoy making up their own stories and acting them out? Make use of one of the many amphitheater spaces at any of our camps. Please note that these spaces are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and we ask that you share the space with everyone at camp!
Camp Ledgewood
Amphitheater - from Low Lodge, walk through the parking lot towards the pine trees towards Cotter Cabin and you will find the amphitheater on your left.
Lakefront fire circle - this is also a wonderful place to get your creative juices flowing!
Camp Timberlane
Windy Hill Amphitheater - walk behind the Welcome Center on the north side of the lake and follow the lake's edge until you find the amphitheater which is built into the hill.
Camp Sugarbush
Green Cathedral - follow the main path past the Lodge and as you get closer to the Rockledge unit. Look to the right for a path down toward the water.
Do you girls always have a ton of energy? Get them involved in some awesome sports and games while they're at camp - from Gaga Ball to volleyball and ice skating, there's lots to do at camp for active girls!
Camp Ledgewood
*Balls and other equipment are available on the back porch of the Health Hut. Please return all items to where you found them.
Camp Timberlane
*Balls and other equipment are available in the shed between the Edgewater Program Building and the Low Ropes course. Please return all items to where you found them.
Camp Sugarbush
*Ask the Camp Coach for balls and other equipment
Troop Totes
Looking to be a rainy weekend at camp? Borrow one (or multiple!) of these totes, each of which contain unique resources for all age ranges that are easy to use! Totes can be found at all three camps: Camp Ledgewood (Low Lodge), Camp Timberlane (Welcome Center), and Camp Sugarbush (Lodge). Please only sign-out one tote at a time for your troop.
Available Totes:
Board Games
It never hurts to come prepared with a few board games in the case of inclement weather! But in case you forget them, there are several available on the shelves above the coat rack next to the bathroom in Low Lodge at Camp Ledgewood.