Both of these product sales programs are organized by your council and open to all Girl Scouts. All girl members who take part in any way of Girl Scouting (troop, camp, travel, etc.), including Daisies, are eligible to participate in council-sponsored product sale activities, with volunteer supervision. Please remember: volunteers and Girl Scout council staff don’t sell cookies and other products—girls do.
To get your troop up and running, GSNEO is offering your newly formed troop a $50 to $300 Start-up Loan. The loan request will be processed once your troop has submitted the account numbers of its newly opened bank account. The loan proceeds will be distributed to your troop bank account electronically. By applying for the loan, the troop agrees to participate in the next Fall Product or Cookie Sale, to have the loan balance automatically repaid from the product sale proceeds, and to only apply once for this loan.
>>Loan Request for Newly Formed Troop
Money Earning Activities refers to activities organized by the group (not by the council) that are planned and carried out by girls (in partnership with adults) and that earn money for the group.
Girls’ participation in both council-sponsored product sale activities and group money earning projects is based upon the following:
The best way to earn money for your group is to start with the Girl Scout Cookie Program and the Magazine and Snack Program. From there, your group may decide to earn additional funds on its own.