All troops, service units, and day camps are required to submit an annual financial report by the second Wednesday in June. GSNEO has streamlined this process so that these annual financial reports are submitted online.
Follow the directions below that correspond to your troop, service unit or day camp group.
All troops are required to file annual financial reports via the Finance Tab of the Volunteer Toolkit. To get to the Volunteer Toolkit, click on the link below and sign in to your MyGS account.
Click on “Volunteer Toolkit.” Once you are inside the Volunteer Toolkit, select the tab labeled “Finances.” It is the tab on the far right side.
Enter your amounts as indicated in the fields. Helpful information and details are available at the right side of each field.
Further information and details for completing the troop annual financial report are available on gsLearn. For more information contact or call 800-852-4474.
Click the link below to enter your unit's annual financial report. If you find that you need additional information while entering your financial information, you are able to save your work, and come back later to complete your report.
For unit number, key in EITHER your service unit number, or your day camp number as in SU302, OR DC411.
Please do not set your Web browser’s privacy policy so high that it blocks all cookies. We use a first party cookie to identify that you are logged in. If you block first party cookies, you will not be able to use certain functions such as submitting your troop financial report.
We recommend that you save your work frequently.
Tools to Help You Manage Your Finances
Volunteers have developed two Excel Templates tools that they have found useful in managing troop finances.
The Treasurer Tracking Template allows leaders:
The Expense Report Template is a form that each person needing reimbursement can fill out and return to the Troop Treasurer along with receipts. It helps the Troop Treasurer document the reason for the reimbursement.
If you wish to see the income and expense categories:
Please review GSNEO Volunteer Policies related to finances here. Financial Management Policies begin on page 33. These financial guidelines have been developed by a group of volunteers and staff to help you carry out your responsibilities for the girls’ money, while helping them plan and conduct activities that are appropriate for their age, capabilities, and financial resources.
As girls grow, experience in Girl Scouting can help them learn to manage money wisely, understanding its value and developing habits of thrift, honesty and self-reliance. As you consider troop/group finances from the standpoint of the girl, remember to:
Please become familiar with all the resources available to you, and conduct the troop/group’s business with transparency and integrity. This is another opportunity for you to be a role model. We trust that you will embrace the challenge of being a good steward of your girls’ hard-earned money. We appreciate your commitment to Girl Scouts and helping to build girls of courage, confidence and character.
If you have questions, please contact Customer Care at 800-852-4474.